About Risk Assessment :

Risk Profiling is a process of analysing & assessing risk bearing capacity of Learners/ Students in education, Skill Based Training & education industrys. For the purpose of giving Skill Training advice it is very essential to do proper risk profiling and risk categorization of student as per Organization and Government guidelines. At gsmgujarat.org A unit of Gsm Tech Hub Pvt Ltd, clients are classified as low risk appetite, medium risk appetite and high risk appetite students, based on the risk assessment scores obtained by answering the following questionnaire. Once, the risk profile & assessment questionnaire is completely filled by learner then as per the score obtained, learner will be offered services which suit his/her risk appetite.

Learner are mainly categorized into three types as highlighted below-
  1. Low risk Learner - This type of Learner take very low risk and mainly focus on Study protection, they are happy with low rewards (Scores between 0-49)
  2. Medium risk Learner - This type of Learner is able to accept downfall in their Learner occasionally and is willing to take medium risk associated with industry. They focus on medium risk & reward (Scores between 50-80).
  3. High risk Learner - This type of Learner is keen for opportunities to generate high returns and is able to accept substantial risk and even significant downfall in their study values (Scores between 81-138)